
Places to Visit in Suluova

June 28, 2024
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Our country is home to many regions that stand out with their natural beauties and cultural values. Suluova is also among these tourist spots. Suluova, a district of Amasya province located in the Central Black Sea Region of Turkey, is a region that stands out with both its natural beauties and historical places. There are cultural structures worth seeing in the district, which has hosted many civilizations in the past. You can easily reach the district, which is largely surrounded by mountains, by purchasing a flight ticket or bus ticket. You can also come by train depending on your location. Suluova reveals various touristic spots in terms of places to visit.

For travelers planning to come to the district, the issue of where to visit is very important. Before touching on this subject in detail, we would like to give some information about transportation. There are three different ways to reach Suluova district. The first of these is transportation by road. The first option for transportation by road is to come with your own vehicle. However, if you do not want to come with your own vehicle, you can consider the bus alternative. Suluova has the distinction of being the largest district of our Amasya city. There is already a bus terminal here. You can look at the companies that organize bus trips from your location to here and buy a bus ticket by choosing the one that best suits your budget. The second transportation option is by air.

To do this, you must first come to Amasya Merzifon Airport. You can buy a flight ticket that suits your budget from your location and have a pleasant flight. After arriving at the airport, you can go to the district by using other means of transportation. The last transportation option is transportation by rail. However, this option is only valid for those coming from Samsun city. Travelers planning to come from Samsun can take the trains departing from Samsun Train Station to Amasya Train Station. After arriving in Amasya, you can reach the district by public transportation or taxi. Places you should definitely visit when you come to the district include Seven Swans Bird Sanctuary, Kasım Bey Madrasa and Bath, Derinöz Dam, Gani Baba Tomb, Kapaklı Forest Nursery and Recreation Facilities and Sequoia Tree. You can evaluate these places while creating your travel list and start a pleasant travel process.

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Seven Swans Bird Sanctuary

The first place on our list of places to visit in Suluova is the Seven Swans Bird Sanctuary, which stands out as an area of ​​magnificent natural beauty.

As its name suggests, there are over a hundred bird species in this bird sanctuary, which covers an area of ​​approximately 817 hectares. This region, which has an enormous natural beauty, is located only four kilometers from the town. In this region, which was declared a protected area in 1989, you can go bird watching, go on a nature walk, closely examine the natural beauties around, and if you wish, you can pitch a tent around the region and stay.

Kasım Bey Madrasa and Bath

Another important place you can visit by purchasing a Suluova bus ticket is Kasım Bey Madrasah and Bath. This building, located in Yolpınar Village of the district, is among the cultural riches of the region.

There is no clear information about when this historical building, which has been visited by many local and foreign tourists since 2010, was built. This historical building, which is called a transition period structure, reflects the traces of both Ottoman and Seljuk architecture. If you are among those who like to visit historical buildings, we recommend you to see this place closely.

Derinöz Dam

Located on the Seyfe Village road of the district, this dam is one of the tourist spots that attracts attention with its lush green nature.

This dam, built for irrigation purposes, has become one of the most preferred places for the local people to be alone with nature over time. When you come here, you can lie on the grass and have a picnic with your loved ones, enjoy spending time with nature and have a quiet day. There is also a fountain and picnic tables here. You can visit this place by purchasing a flight ticket to Suluova and get away from the chaos of the city and listen to the sound of nature.

Tomb of Gani Baba

The next route on our list of places to visit in Suluova is Gani Baba Tomb, which has great importance in terms of faith tourism.

Located within the borders of Saygılı Village of the district, this tomb was built in the name of Gani Baba, who tried to spread Islam in the region during the Greek period. Since the tomb is surrounded by pine trees, this place is also preferred for picnic activities. After your visit to the tomb, you can have a picnic with your family or friends under the shade of the trees.

Kapaklı Forest Nursery and Recreation Facilities

A headset you can choose for a picnic The second point is Kapaklı Forest Nursery and Recreation Facilities, located approximately 15 kilometers from the district center.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this place is a natural wonder. Because it is possible to come across many different types of trees here, especially pine trees. This region, which also stands out as a forest area, covers an average area of ​​42 hectares. There are recreation areas in this region, which is widely visited during the summer. You can have a picnic here with your family and breathe in the forest air. You can also explore this region by purchasing a Suluova flight ticket or bus ticket.

Redwood Tree

The last place on our list of places to visit in Suluova is the Sequoia Tree, whose homeland is America.

This tree, which has the distinction of being the longest-living and tallest tree species in the world, can only be found in California, known as the state of the USA. Its seeds were planted in this region after the Second World War. The Sequoia Tree has the ability to live for an average of ten thousand years. In addition, it has the ability to extend up to approximately one hundred and forty meters. We recommend that you take a close look at this tree, which has great spiritual significance, before ending your trip. 

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