
Places To Visit In Kulu

Aug. 21, 2024
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Kulu is one of the districts of Konya, located in the Central Anatolian Region of our country. The history of the district, located on the Konya-Ankara Road, dates back to the Neolithic Age. In fact, it is one of the districts that has seen many periods from the Byzantine to the Roman period, from the Chalcolithic to the Hellenistic period. It is not possible to come to the region by buying a direct plane ticket. For this, you must first arrive in Konya. Visitors who plan to come by bus can buy a direct bus ticket and reach the district. The district, which is approximately 150 kilometers away from Konya city center, stands out with its picnic areas and lakes. Since the founder of the district was Kuluboğlu Mustafa Bey, also known as Kulu Bey, the name of the district was Kulu. It was previously a municipality and gained the right to become a district in 1954. Although Kulu does not offer very rich options in terms of places to visit, it hosts important touristic spots. At this point, we may need to detail the transportation information for visitors who are thinking of coming to the district. If those who want to come to Kulu district will come with their own vehicles, they can use the navigation system and make transportation by drawing a road map from this system. Visitors who do not want to come by vehicle or do not have a vehicle can evaluate the bus alternative if they prefer to travel by road. There is already a bus terminal in Kulu district. Depending on where you are, you can buy a bus ticket to reach Kulu Bus Terminal. In fact, if possible, we recommend that you buy your ticket in advance. Because we do not want you to encounter an adverse situation such as not being able to find a ticket later. Visitors who want to travel by air should first come to Konya. You can reach the airport serving in the Selçuklu district of the province by purchasing a plane ticket. After arriving at the airport, you can also benefit from taxi options to go directly to Kulu district. You also have the opportunity to rent a private car. When you come to Kulu, one of the notable districts of Konya, popular places that you should definitely see and explore closely include Lake Düden, Gökgöl, Lake Samsam, Kulu Değirmenözü Picnic Area and Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque. In the rest of our article, you can examine these prominent sightseeing spots of the district and create your travel plan according to these places. Without further ado, let's give information about what you can do and what will greet you when you come to the district.

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Lake Düden

The first stop on our list of places to visit in Kulu is Lake Düden, which is one of the most frequently visited spots by both local and foreign tourists. Covering an area of ​​approximately 800 hectares, this lake attracts the attention of visitors with its magnificent view. It is possible to come across many different bird species in the area where this lake, which is located approximately five kilometers east of the center of Kulu, is located. Many bird species such as flamingos can shelter around the lake. In addition, this lake is on the path of migratory birds. Bird watching is one of the activities you can do here. The area where the lake is located is known as a migration point for birds and also a breeding place.
The waters of this lake are slightly salty. On the sunny side of Lake Düden, there is another lake with sweet waters and the name Küçük Göl. You can explore this wonderful lake and its surroundings by purchasing a Kulu bus ticket or plane ticket, spend peaceful hours with your loved ones against the lake view and take photos of various bird species.


After Lake Düden, we definitely recommend that you visit Gökgöl, which is also home to different species of birds. This place, like the other lake point, is one of the places frequently visited by many tourists. Located approximately 20 kilometers west of the center of Kulu, this lake is among the places declared as a protected area. There are also areas such as marshes and meadows in this lake covered with reeds. When you come here, you have the chance to do bird watching again. There is also a Bird Observation House here. The Gökgöl Festival event is held regularly by the municipality every year in the Gökgöl region. You can plan your trip accordingly by learning the history of this event. There is also a type of fish called Cobitus Universe that lives only in this region. It is one of the places where you can have a good time with a wonderful lake view and a peaceful atmosphere.

Samsam Lake

The next route on our list of places to visit in Kulu is Samsam Lake, which is home to various water birds, especially cranes.
You can also have the chance to discover this lake, which is located within the district borders, by purchasing a Kulu flight ticket. Animal husbandry is done around this lake, which is one of the protected areas.It is quite suitable for various activities such as wheat farming. It is also possible to see the swordbill bird species in this lake, which is one of the passage points for migratory birds.

Kulu Değirmenözü Picnic Area

Wouldn't you like to have a picnic by leaving yourself in the lap of a lush green nature with your family or friends during your trip to Kulu district? Kulu Değirmenözü Picnic Area is one of the most frequently visited spots by the local people. In this spot, which is called a recreation area, you can have a picnic with the fresh air and spend quiet times in touch with nature. We definitely recommend that you add this recreation area, which is an ideal place for those who want to get away from the chaos of the city, to your travel list.

Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque

The last place on our list of places to visit in Kulu is the Selahaddin Eyyubi Mosque, which stands out with its architectural style. Located in the Ömeranlı Neighborhood of the district, this mosque is one of the newly built mosques. However, its architectural style reflects the Seljuk and Ottoman periods. When you enter the mosque, specially designed granites and various ornamented motifs will welcome you. You can also visit this remarkable mosque with a Kulu bus ticket.

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